Car Breakdown and -30 degrees!

So Michele’s Highlander had been acting up the past couple weeks.  It was making this loud clanking noise (sounded like a bad bearing).  We booked an appointment for this Monday to have it looked at.  Besides the noise the car was running fine, so we’ve been continuing to use it on our weekend trips up to the whites.

On Friday we took a half day of work to get spend some time with Michele’s family who were all up at Bretton Woods for our annual ski weekend.  We loaded the kids and gear in the car and headed out around 2pm.  About 20 mins into the trip, all of a sudden the temp guage skyrocketed.  I pulled over as quickly as I could and smoke was leaked out from under the hood.  When I opened the hood there was pink liquid (antifreeze) sprayed all over the engine.  There was no way we could drive this thing.

We called AAA and had the car towed to the nearest dealership (luckily only 3 miles away!)  Then we had to call an Uber to transport the kids (car seats and all) to the dealer.  We got a rental car and continued on with the trip!  Unfortunately we didn’t make it up to our place until after 8pm, so didn’t get a chance to hang out with the family.

On Saturday the temps were by far the coldest they’ve been all season.  The high of the day hovered around 0 and the winds were roaring, with a wind chill of -30.  Skiing was almost impossible.  We’d do 1 run and by the end were all totally frozen.  Lots of crying ensued, frozen body parts, etc. so we called it early.

On Saturday night we hung out with Michele’s family, and the kids were happy to see Grampy, who came up from Florida, and Uncle Chris who came from California.

On Sunday the temps were about the same in the morning, but slowly warmed up throughout the day.  Luckily the dealership fixed Michele’s car, so we were able to return the rental on the way home.

Just another weekend in the whites!